General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use

About our company


+32 486 80 06 96

In these general terms and conditions of sale, the site will be referred to as "this site".

In the general conditions of sale will be called "The Company": Gate Park.

The customer acknowledges having read our general terms and conditions of sale at the time of ordering.

These terms and conditions govern sales to private individuals on the website.

ARTICLE 1 - Scope of application

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (the "GTCS") apply, without restriction or reservation, to all purchases of the following services:

The Company's business is the rental of parking spaces on private land, shuttle services and vehicle maintenance and cleaning services offered to non-business and business customers on the website.

The main features of the Services are presented on the website.

It is the Customer's responsibility to read these terms and conditions before placing an order. The choice and purchase of a Service is the sole responsibility of the Customer.

These GTC are accessible at all times on the website and shall prevail over any other document.

The Customer declares that he/she has read these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and has accepted them by ticking the appropriate box before placing an order on the website.

In the absence of proof to the contrary, the data recorded in L'entreprise's computer system constitutes proof of all transactions concluded with the Customer.

ARTICLE 2 - Prices & refunds

2.1 The Services are provided at the current rates shown on the website when the order is placed by the Company.

2.2 Prices are quoted in Euros and include VAT.

2.3 Prices take into account any discounts granted by the company on the website.

These tariffs are firm and non-revisable during their period of validity, but L'Oréal cannot be held liable for reserves the right to change prices at any time outside the validity period.

2.4 The payment requested from the Customer corresponds to the total amount of the purchase, including any costs.

2.5 An invoice is drawn up by the company and given to the Customer when the Services ordered are provided.

ARTICLE 3 - Orders

3.1 It is the Customer's responsibility to select the Services they wish to order on the Website, in accordance with the following procedures:

Reservations can be made online via our website or by telephone.

Customers must enter their preferred arrival and departure dates, as well as details of their flight and vehicle. Additional options may also be added: vehicle cleaning, inventory of fixtures, valet service.

3.2 Any user accessing the booking service must register by means of a computer entry on the website.

3.3 At the end of the booking procedure, the customer will receive a confirmation email containing the details of the booking.

3.4 Prices are quoted in euros and include VAT. Payment is made on the day of booking by secure payment on the website or directly at the car park, depending on the method of payment selected. Services are always invoiced on the basis of the rates in force at the time the reservation is made or on site (cash).

3.5 The company reserves the right to change its prices at any time, but price changes will not be applied to orders already placed and confirmed by e-mail.

3.6 The sale will only be considered valid once the price has been paid in full. It is the Customer's responsibility to check the accuracy of the order and to report any errors immediately.

3.7 Any order placed on the website constitutes the formation of a distance contract between the Customer and L'entreprise.

3.8 The Customer will be able to access their booking at any time on the website or by e-mail if they have an account on the website.

ARTICLE 4 - Terms of payment

4.1 The price is paid by secure payment as follows:

Payment by credit card

4.2 The price is payable in full by the Customer on the day the order is placed.

4.3 Payment data is exchanged in encrypted mode using the protocol defined by the approved payment service provider for banking transactions carried out on the website.

4.4 Payments made by the Customer will only be considered final once the sums due have been effectively collected by the company.

4.5 The company will not be obliged to provide the Services ordered by the Customer if the Customer does not pay the price in full in accordance with the above conditions.

ARTICLE 5 - Provision of Services

The Services ordered by the Customer will be provided as follows:

5.1 When dropping off a vehicle, the customer undertakes to arrive at least 1 hour before the start of check-in.

The company cannot be held responsible if the appointment time set by the customer is not respected.

Keys will be left with car park staff and kept by us in a secure cupboard.

5.3 The inventory of fixtures service includes the drafting of a paper inventory of fixtures form by one of our employees when the vehicle is dropped off at our car park.

Customers may not dispute the condition of their vehicle if they have not subscribed to the inspection option.
The car park accepts no responsibility and/or liability for any scratches or impacts on the vehicle when the customer collects it, unless the customer has subscribed to the inventory of fixtures option.

In the absence of any reservation or immediate complaint made by the customer when returning the vehicle, it will be considered that the vehicle is in the same condition as when it arrived at the car park. No claims will be accepted if these formalities are not complied with.

5.4 The company undertakes to use its best endeavours to provide the Services ordered by the Customer, on a best endeavours basis.

ARTICLE 6 - Liability of the Service Provider - Guarantees

6.1 The company undertakes to do its utmost to ensure that the website is accessible and enables customers to place orders online at all times without interruption. In the event of a temporary interruption, an error message will be displayed.

6.2 Only Company employees are authorised to manoeuvre and return vehicles.

6.3 The company reserves the right to move vehicles inside and outside the car park as part of the services subscribed to by the customer, such as servicing and roadworthiness tests, for example.

6.4 The company cannot be held liable for damage caused by events such as storms, hail, acts of vandalism and any other damage linked to natural causes, whether exceptional or not.

6.5 The company declines all liability in the event of theft of personal belongings, including during work carried out by partners appointed by the company.

6.6 The company has taken out civil liability insurance covering damage of any kind caused during the transfer to the airport.

6.7 The company cannot be held responsible in the event of an incident or traffic jam during the journey from the car park to the airport, causing the customer to miss their flight.

L'entreprise's guarantee is limited to reimbursement of the Services actually paid for by the Customer.

6.8 The company shall not be held responsible or liable for any delay or non-performance resulting from the occurrence of a case of force majeure as usually recognised by French case law.

6.9 The Services provided via the website comply with the regulations in force in France. The company may not be held liable in the event of non-compliance with the legislation of the country in which the Services are provided, which it is up to the Customer, who is solely responsible for choosing the Services requested, to check.

6.10 The company provides its customers with a free shuttle service from the airport to the car park and back.

We recommend that our customers allow 30 minutes after landing for the vehicle's departure time.

ARTICLE 7 - Customer liability

7.1 The customer agrees that one of the company's employees may collect and keep the keys to his/her vehicle during his/her stay in the car park.

7.2 The customer undertakes to inform L'entreprise by telephone or e-mail if the arrival time is more than 1 hour late. Otherwise, the reservation will be cancelled and a fee of 10 euros may be charged for reactivating the reservation.

7.3 It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that their vehicle is in good working order when it is delivered to the car park.

7.4 Breakdowns of any kind requiring work to be carried out on the vehicle parked in our car park will be at the customer's expense.

ARTICLE 8 - Data protection

8.1 Pursuant to Act 78-17 of 6 January 1978, it should be noted that the personal data requested from the Customer is necessary for the processing of the order and the preparation of invoices.

This data may be communicated to any of the Service Provider's partners responsible for executing, processing, managing and paying for orders.

8.2 In accordance with the national and European regulations in force, the Customer has a permanent right of access, modification, rectification and opposition with regard to information concerning him or her.

This right may be exercised in accordance with the procedures described in the "legal information" section of the website.

ARTICLE 9 - Intellectual property

The content of the website the website is the property of the Seller and its partners and is protected by French and international intellectual property laws.

Any total or partial reproduction of this content is strictly prohibited and may constitute an infringement of copyright.

ARTICLE 10 - Applicable law - Language

10.1 These General Terms and Conditions and any transactions arising from them are governed by and subject to French law.

10.2 These GTC are written in French. If they are translated into one or more foreign languages, only the French text will be deemed authentic in the event of a dispute.

ARTICLE 11 - Disputes

11.1 If you have any complaints, please contact Customer Services at the postal or e-mail address of L'entreprise indicated on the page of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

11.2 The Customer is hereby informed that, in the event of a dispute, he/she may in any event have recourse to conventional mediation, with the existing sectoral mediation bodies, or to any alternative dispute resolution method (conciliation, for example).

All disputes arising from the purchase and sale transactions concluded in application of these GTCS and which have not been settled amicably between the seller or by mediation, will be submitted to the competent courts under the conditions of common law.

These documents have been drafted by a specialist lawyer and are protected by copyright. Please do not copy them or you will be prosecuted for copyright infringement.